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Business Savvy Meets Big Heart

Feb 25, 2021

Steve Glaude builds communities. How? You could call him a matchmaker. 他最大的优势是在需要支持的小企业主和满足他们需求的人员和工具之间建立精明的联系. 他为危机管理带来了务实的方法,并为人们面临的挑战带来了一颗宽广的心——不仅仅是在大流行期间. 再加上澳博官方网站app(JPMorgan Chase)在美国的投资和业务扩张.C. region, and you have a powerful tool to help the community.

Pinkey Reddick has a passion to serve others, 她把这种热情付诸行动,开了一家名为Pinke's E的小型餐饮公司.A.T.S. 但就在她的生意越来越大的时候,冠状病毒改变了世界.

由于经济受到打击,国家法规改变了人们的社交方式, Pinkey was on the verge of financial collapse. 她仍然非常想继续为她所爱的社区提供食物,但却不知道如何实现这一目标.

Nobody was ordering catering anymore, 然而,社区中仍有许多人在努力寻找食物. 包括老年人在内的许多人都无法去杂货店或依靠餐馆吃饭. 重要的工人仍然必须每天在特殊的条件下工作. How were they going to eat?

Pinkey's catering company and many people in the D.C. community needed each other. And Steve Glaude knew he could help.

史蒂夫是一个公平的社区倡导者,也是华盛顿特区非营利性住房和经济发展联盟(CNHED)的首席执行官. But you could also call him a matchmaker.

史蒂夫倾听——真正倾听——小企业主在面临挑战时需要支持来维持或发展他们的业务,以及市政府需要帮助来实施公平的经济发展解决方案,从而使他们的社区受益. 当他看到有资源的组织帮助当地的小企业时, he springs into action.

Through his nonprofit, 史蒂夫每月组织社区活动,让小企业互相认识, share resources and build connections. 在这些活动中,史蒂夫认识了平基,并了解了她的商业抱负. 他看到了Pinkey为他人服务的动力、坚韧和热情. 他对她印象深刻,甚至雇她为会议提供餐饮. He had a feeling Pinkey was headed for big things.

快进到2020年早春:COVID-19开始传播, 史蒂夫越来越担心他遇到的小企业主. He thought of Pinkey and gave her a call. 平基告诉他她所面临的现实——这导致她解雇了员工,每天都在赔钱. She needed help for her business to survive.

Although her “can-do” spark was being tested, Steve believed that, with some support, she could propel her business forward.

After speaking with Pinkey, 史蒂夫想到了澳博官方网站app正在做的工作,于是联系了德康蒂·门兹-科尔, a Vice President of Global Philanthropy at JPMorgan Chase & Co. Dekonti负责公司在大华盛顿地区的慈善投资.

史蒂夫提出了一个计划,让当地少数民族食品供应商与医院和大学签订合同,为必要的工作人员提供食物. 澳博官方网站app(JPMorgan Chase)的慈善投资帮助了食品供应商,比如Pinkey的E.A.T.S.,调整业务模式,在大流行期间向基本工作人员提供膳食. 事实证明,这一转变卓有成效,留住了关键员工,并继续发展Pinkey的E.A.T.S. in line with Pinkey's drive to “serve her community.”

From her experience with other businesses like Pinkey's, Dekonti了解黑人和棕色人种企业家与大型地区医院和大学合作是多么困难, 她也知道,要想与更多不同的企业家签订合同,需要资源.

澳博官方网站app的慈善投资不仅仅是对一家企业或个人的投资,” Dekonti said. “Working with CNHED, 我们能够将这些点联系起来:大流行造成了基本服务提供商供应链的中断, like hospitals and universities, who desperately needed goods and supplies, 当地少数族裔拥有的小企业有能力介入并满足这一需求. 在大流行最严重的时候,这一战略转向支持了少数族裔拥有的企业的稳定,这些企业雇佣并服务于他们的社区.”

That was just the boost Pinkey needed to get going again. Word got out about her catering, 其他一些组织也参与进来,为基本工作人员提供更多的膳食.

意识到她的餐饮服务可能需要发展成更多的移动选项, Pinkey worked with JPMorgan Chase, and Washington Area Community Investment Fund, a community development financial institution partner, to buy a food truck. 她还与当地教堂合作,为他们的会众和公众提供打包带走的餐食.



  1. Listening to the concerns of community members.
  2. Thinking creatively about resources and solutions.
  3. Tapping into a robust network to find organizations who can help.
  4. Connecting them to the people and groups who need their support.

“我们代表小企业发声,”史蒂夫说. “CNHED helps open doors that an individual just can't.”

Nobody can do anything by themselves, Steve says. 这需要一个社区来支持那些挣扎的孩子或新来的孩子. That's what being an advocate is all about.

“We're building and supporting the community,” he says. “不仅是无家可归和饥饿的人,还有那些处于边缘的人,他们只需要一点帮助.”

聚焦故事:颂扬那些勇于面对挑战、每天激励着我们的人的故事. Stay tuned for more.

